黄祥西:营收创10亿新高 港业集团续扩大船队

黄祥西:营收创10亿新高 港业集团续扩大船队

港业集团执行董事黄祥西。【民都鲁经济系列报道 (第三篇)】 特派报道:杨惠平 (民都鲁27日讯)持有充裕现金的港业集团(HARBOUR,2062, 主板交通与物流股)乐观看待未来前景,计划继续扩大船队与车队规模,着重内部增长。 港业集团执行董事黄祥西接受访问时表示, 过去两年受到海运业务需求的骤增和运费率走高,公司持续录得亮眼的表现,2023财年营收更是创下10亿令吉的历史新高。[...]

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Harbour-Link expects challenges for domestic freight rates

KUCHING: Domestic ocean freight rates are expected to come under pressure with new shipping players entering the market. According to Sarawak-based Harbour-Link Group Bhd, domestic freight rates may encounter headwinds due to additional players coming into the market. These new players,[...]

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